Basic Mantis Care


I can't stress enough, make sure you do your research, before buying a mantis, as there is different species, that may or may not need different care, such as heating and humidity. This is only basic care i am sharing such as housing and feeding.



A mantis enclosure should be at least twice as wide and 3 times as tall as the mantis (try go by size mantis will be when an adult).  Enclosure should have cross ventilation, with some soil /coco soil, moss for moisture and stick so the mantis can climb to the top of the enclosure which should have organza mesh on top, so the mantis can hang from.


Normally you will get a mantis at an instar between 2-3 they will feed on fruit flies/melanogaster flies until i4 when they would take bigger live feed, such as small locust, roach and now and again as a treat a wax worm. They should be fed every 2/3 days also enclosure needs to be misted so the mantis can drink and for humidity. You will get to know what your mantis needs are the longer you have them.


A mantis moults so many times (it varies between species) right to adulthood when it gets its wings, the mantis will more likely go off food for a couple of days before moulting, the mantis will hang upside down to moult its skin.  You are better not handling or feeding the mantis for at least 48 hours after they have moulted this gives the mantis time to harden.


Some mantis will need extra heating, humidity which means some people use heat pads, never place them on top or bottom always placed on the back of the enclosure. Mantis also vary depending on species with humidity. 

Please do research on heating and humidity before buying a mantis.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me and i shall try and help or point you in the right direction.